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Gloria Rodriguez, LMFT


Gloria Rodriguez Moreira is a passionate therapist aware of some of the difficulties experienced by underserved communities. At an early age, she practiced advocating for others. Later on, she taught clients the importance of advocating for themselves. As a therapist, she provides an inviting platform for clients to identify and express their emotions effectively without fear of rejection or judgment. 


Gloria has learned the importance of exteriorizing feelings to better manage them. Oftentimes, people minimize and/or hide them, not knowing those negative emotions become too strong to avoid them, as time goes by.


Gloria respects and values each person's story, struggles, and learning process. She fully engages in problem-solving by giving the tools clients can use at a given time on their own. Great encouragement was placed to discuss emotions and humanized feelings, practice strategies, and new skills to better cope with difficult situations. 


Gloria applies Cognitive behavioral therapy to help patients connect thoughts, feelings, and actions. Holistic approaches to

innovate and make therapy more effective based on tools at reach from each client's capabilities. Gloria also applies Trauma Focus, to assist clients with past traumas due to relocation, conflict, war, language, etc. Gloria knows the importance of  “telling her own

narrative coming from her own perspective and experience". 


Gloria is a great advocate for LGBT Community, elders and refugees. Together we make a whole and hopefully a better place to live in!


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy

  • Working with Refugees

  • Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy

  • Culturally Sensitive Treatment

  • Relational Stress

  • Work Issues

  • Interpersonal Relationships

  • Grief and loss

  • LGBTQ Community


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