Social Skills Groups
Social Skills Group Therapy Frequency
Group therapy treatment is provided in a 90-minute group therapy session one time a week. The Childrens program is a time-limited 12-week program and the teen program is a 14-week program. Groups meet in separate but concurrent, caregiver and child/teenage groups. The parent sessions also include Bilingual English and Spanish parent training. Parent participation in the trainings is very important for the client’s progress in treatment. Therefore it is recommended the parents attend each session with their child.
Parent Participation
Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in our weekly parent training classes. Homework will be provided for parents and children to empower families by providing the tools to support our clients in and outside of treatment. Specific Homework assignments are included for each of the scheduled meetings. By attending the parent training, it will help increase the parents understanding of their childs therapy and treatment goals. It is the parents participation and effort that plays an important role in the childs social development.

Screening Process
Prior to admission, all potential group members undergo a pre-screening phone interview to establish appropriateness for the group following a formal assessment performed on site.
Sandbox is currently forming groups for June 2020

New Mommy Support Group
Welcome new mothers who would like to learn to manage their mental health in a nurturing environment. Discuss topics such as;
Sharing your birth or adoption story
Feeding challenges
Physical recovery and intimacy
Sharing parenting responsibilities
Returning to work-or not
Finding child care
Group meets for 1 hour/wk.